Outdoor Advertising
The graphics for events promotion uses the established place brand elements as previous but focusses on the graphics within the paste-up graphic form to create differentiation of purpose.
Combining the brand elements to evoke the layered and juxtaposed aesthetic of E1’s urban environment.

Digital Design
Application of the layered and random aesthetic of E1 urban vernacular into the digital space. The fragmented and juxtaposed elements are bringing a sense of community and humanity to the digital application of the brand. The home page has a changing selection of short video films about what different E1 locations mean to local people.

Image Credits
Usage of Joy Crookes image (detail), 2019. Source: https://www.pinterest. co.uk/pin/423408802464555634/
Usage of an image of Sam Lambert and Shaka Maidoh, Brick Lane, Photo © David Pattison. Source: https://www.themandrake.com/art-comes-first.html
Cut out from an original image of Gilbert & George in Ponystep Magazine, 2018.
Source: youtube.com/watch?v=lk53wGmGiiA